Minimalist Baby Essentials Every New Mom Needs

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Inside: Are you a mom that doesn’t want a house full of unnecessary baby items? You are not alone. Here are is my minimalist baby essentials list to help you save space and money.

mom holding baby in a minimalist nursery

Are you a mom that prefers to have as few “things” as possible? If so, you’re not alone. If you’re trying to purchase items for your upcoming bundle of joy, getting prepared with these minimalist baby essentials can be a simple and easy process.

Pregnancy is too short to be bogged down with buying unnecessary items!

Let’s be real with one another for a moment. There are a TON of baby items and baby gear out there on the market. There are ENTIRE stores that are just full of everything that you “need” for your baby.

So many things that there’s no way to keep them all straight. Each store will give you a checklist a mile long, friends, or family members swear you need this or that.

But guess what? The majority of these baby items aren’t really needed. (Surprising, I know!)

In fact, you can easily be prepared for the birth of your baby with very few items at all. Instead of falling into the trap of “having to have” a house full of baby gear and items, choose to spend your time on other important matters at hand instead. (like what flavor of ice cream you’re buying from the store to satisfy your latest pregnancy craving!)

If you are wondering what items you really need for your baby, keep reading for my minimalist baby essentials guide.

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Minimalist Baby Essentials For New Moms

What are baby must-haves for first-time moms?

Honestly, this is all going to come down to your personal preference, but there are a few items that all moms and dads should have on hand. While this list isn’t long, these baby items are something that will typically be used each and every day.

â—Ź  Crib/Bassinet

â—Ź  Diapers/Burp Cloths

â—Ź  Carseat/Stroller

â—Ź  Onesies

â—Ź  Blanket/Swaddler

â—Ź  Formula/Bottles (if not breastfeeding)

â—Ź  Baby Care Essentials Kit

Besides these items, everything else can be considered an “extra.” As your baby grows older, this list will continue to grow as well, but when babies are newborns, they don’t really need much other than sleep and food. When you’re making a list of items to purchase, these are the baby things to buy before birth.

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pregnant mom shopping for baby essentials

What is a baby care essentials kit?

If you saw this listed above but were unsure what it meant, you’re in luck! A baby care essential kit is a small kit (usually travel-sized) that has everything you need in it to care for and clean your baby. While all kits can be different, you can expect them all to have a tear-free shampoo, a sensitive skin body wash, and a calming or soothing lotion for your baby as well.

If you’re looking for minimalist baby essentials, a baby care kit can help. It provides you only what your baby will need, nothing more.

What baby furniture do you really need?

Remember, less is more. Somewhere for your baby to sleep is really all you’re going to need. The most important thing to remember when choosing infant sleeping furniture is that you follow infant sleep safety recommendations.

Some people buy baby changing tables or other items like that, but those are just preferences and often overkill. A soft changing pad or blanket and your floor are a totally acceptable place to change your baby’s diaper. (and there’s no chance of them rolling off that and hurting themselves, either!)

And though a swing and a bouncer are excellent additions, you certainly don’t need both.

How many outfits do you need for a baby?

Clothing is actually one of the biggest items that moms splurge on because they’re all really quite adorable. We’ve all been there, right?

Walking through the store and the cutest outfit just catches your eye…One more outfit can’t be bad, right?

Well, in all reality, it can be. It’s the start of something that can cause “splurges” throughout your entire pregnancy. And before you know it, you’ve got a closet full of newborn outfits that he or she will probably never even wear.

For whatever reason, all moms have this thought in their head that they’re going to dress up their newborns in cute outfits multiple times per day. That’s usually not the case. While it might be true for a couple of days, it wears off as the lack of sleep and tiredness kick in.

Find that happy balance where you have enough clean clothes for baby without having to do six loads of laundry a day, but you don’t have so many clothes that aren’t worn before the baby grows out of them.

The minimalist and realistic answer for how many outfits you need for a baby is this:

â—Ź  7-10 onesies

â—Ź  3 shirts

â—Ź  2 pants/shorts

â—Ź  5-6 pairs of socks


Just save your money when it comes to buying your baby shoes. They aren’t going to be walking around anywhere, so there isn’t a need for shoes. You won’t need shoes until your little one starts walking, so save yourself space. Plus, socks are perfectly fine for covering up their toes.

A Few Additional Items On My Minimalist Baby Essentials List

I know I just told you that you don’t need more than a few items when you are just starting out. I get it. But everyone’s life scenario is different, and that means your checklist isn’t going to mimic my list exactly.

After four kids and having a lot (and I mean a LOT) of stuff in my house that I didn’t need or didn’t use, I promise my baby list still remains minimal.

A baby carrier: I don’t know how I would have taken care of my other kids if I hadn’t had a good baby carrier and wrap. My last little guy suffered from severe acid reflux and much preferred an upright position.

I started with a Lillebaby carrier but found I preferred wrapping my baby when he was younger. I now have a Kinderpack for him (he still loves being carried- a lot), which I LOVE. It is much lighter than the Lillebaby. Look into a babywearing, lending library in your area to try on the different carriers before you buy one. When you are ready to buy, look into gently used second-hand carriers for savings.

A comfortable and supportive chair: Breastfeeding in a chair without back support or armrest is not comfortable at all. I was lucky that our current loveseat was a reclining rocker that offered a great deal of comfort this go around. With my previous babies, I found an inexpensive glider at a local baby consignment shop.

A week’s worth of sleepers: It took me a few kids to figure this one out. Don’t try and stress yourself out with the cutesy ruffle or bowtie outfits for the first several months. The footed or non-footed sleepers are perfect for getting baby changed easily.

Burp cloths: Seriously….if your baby is anything like my last one, you might want to take out stock in a burp cloth company. They are perfect for protecting your clothes or baby’s clothes. And since they are so versatile, you can use them later on for household cleaning.

gender neutral basket of baby essentials

What do new moms need most?

It’s important to remember to take care of yourself during this time as well. Growing another human inside your belly is no easy feat! And while you might be wanting to splurge on items and gifts for yourself, remember the big picture for being minimalist on items that you need as well.

And honestly, most new moms really need very few things. A good support group, cooked meals, sleep, someone to talk to, and of course, diapers, diapers, diapers, and more diapers for the baby. (oh, and of course, a good nursing bra and nipple cream if breastfeeding)

Once the baby arrives, your minimalist baby essentials approach should include you as well. Keep things simple. Keep your to-do list empty, relax your home management standards (that means it’s ok if the laundry is overflowing), and accept help and food from others.

When should you start buying baby stuff?

The other piece to the puzzle that fits with what essentials to buy for baby is when do you actually start buying it. Since you’re going for minimalist baby essentials, there’s really no need to start months and months in advance. Near the middle to the end of the second trimester should give you ample time to get all the big baby essentials that you need and have enough time to get your space and home organized as well.

You may notice that your nesting phase starts to kick in a lot sooner than that, and if so, that’s fine. Use that motivation to organize the items that you already have in your home to prepare for your baby’s arrival.

Even though the baby is little and you aren’t planning on buying many big-ticket items, anything and everything new takes up space and adds up very quickly! Even when you are taking the approach of purchasing minimalist baby essentials. The more room that you can make early on, the better.

Now that you have a little bit better of an idea and understand about items that you need versus items that you want, it’ll be easier to stay focused on being minimalistic. Why clutter up your home with toys, clothing, and items that your newborn baby can’t even use? All it will do is add clutter and stress during a time that should be full of happiness and togetherness.

Final Tips For Minimalist Baby Essentials

â—Ź      Babys need only a few things to be happy and content. You really don’t need as much as most baby checklists tell you to buy.

â—Ź      Every parent’s situation is different, and your checklist will differ from everyone else’s baby essentials checklist. Make the necessary adjustments to fit your lifestyle.

â—Ź      Buying neutral themed items will make saving baby essentials much easier for subsequent babies.

â—Ź      Borrow or Shop Second-hand items when possible. Many people overbuy for infants and sell items that were never used or used very little. You can find fantastic deals at local garage sales, consignment shops or events, or on Facebook Marketplace (just be safe when buying from this avenue). One item I would avoid shopping second hand is a car seat as you can’t verify if it hasn’t been in an accident.

What are minimalist baby essentials would you add to the list?

Did I miss any items that you feel were worthy of being added to the minimalist baby essentials list? I would love for you to comment below and I will be happy to add those items to the list.

Rebecca signature
Minimal baby essentials what baby really needs
minimalist mom and baby in white nursery
minimalist baby essentials only buy what you need

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