6 Simple Tips For New Homeschool Moms When You Feel Overwhelmed

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Inside: Homeschool moms battling overwhelm, you are not alone. If you’re a veteran homeschooling mom or new to the scene, this post will give you a few tips on finding a little peace.

overwhelmed homeschool mom and frustrated child

Being a homeschooling mom can be totally awesome and overwhelming at the same time. And honestly, it’s downright refreshing to admit that and get it out in the open. Right now, the world is a little bit chaotic and, times are just downright crazy.

Moms all over the world literally become “homeschool moms” overnight, without hardly any type of warning and ability to plan. If this happened to you, know that you’re not alone.

So whether you are a new homeschool mom because you made the conscious decision to be or because you were thrust into crisis-schooling know that you are doing great and this too shall pass. My hope is that you’ll find comfort in these tips for new homeschool moms when you feel overwhelmed.

Because when it comes down to it, we really are all in this together.

Homeschooling is an option that is wonderful to have. Moms (and dads) love being able to homeschool so that they have the freedom to teach their child in a way that works with them and their family schedule and lifestyle.

To say that what we are currently experiencing is a “traditional” method of homeschooling really isn’t true, but one thing about homeschooling moms is for sure…Homeschool moms have what it takes to make a difference in the world, one day at a time.

If you’re a veteran homeschooling mom or new to the scene, this post will give you a few tips on how you can let go of some of those stresses and worries so that you don’t feel as if the weight of the world is balancing on your shoulders.

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Tips for New Homeschool Moms To Beat the Stress and Worry

First off, please understand that if you’re starting homeschooling right now (or have within the past month), it’s really not a “typical” homeschooling experience. Most homeschooling days are planned out with curriculum, field trips, co-ops, park days, clubs, and outings that break up the days and time in a way that is fun and engaging for all.

But right now, outings and field trips aren’t possible. We’re exchanging those travels for virtual trips and zoom meetings, and sometimes, it just all starts to close in on you. When you start to feel that you’re beginning to be overwhelmed, try a few of these simple tips for homeschool moms and do your best to breathe and relax.

â—Ź   Tell yourself that you’re doing the best that you can

And you are!

Don’t just tell yourself that, but believe it, too.

You’re in a situation where life is just different right now, and there’s no one out there that is expecting perfection. Your kids certainly don’t expect you to be a perfect Pinterest mom. They just need your support and love. I promise the rest will fall into place.

Allow yourself a bit of grace and understand that everything that you’re doing is out of love for your child and their education.

It is OK not to be amazing every day. And please, I beg you. Do NOT compare yourself to other moms.

What you see isn’t always what is really going on! Everyone has something they aren’t showing to the rest of the world.

young mom virtually chatting with a friend

●   Find other homeschool moms in your area

Right now, this isn’t hard to do! But make sure that you’re finding and connecting (virtually) with other homeschool moms that have your interest at heart, too. This means that you want to be friends and connect with other moms who are positive and committed to doing their best as well.

Since we live in a world full of technology and drama, it’s relatively easy to fall into the trap of jumping on the bandwagon of hating literally everything about life. Don’t be that person, and don’t join in on that crowd.

Embrace this experience as one that is a learning and growing opportunity for your family, and you’ll find that your days are brighter, and the sunshine is shining just a little bit more brightly than the day before.

mom and daughter reading a book on sofa

●   Give yourself a break

Did you know that homeschool days are not the same length of time as regular public or private school days? This is because when you’re teaching your child at home, you’re more efficient.

After all, you’re just dealing with one or a few students compared to quite a few in the traditional school settings.

If you need a break during the day, take it. Chunk off your homeschooling days in blocks and schedules and limit your time to 4 hours daily, max. There have been plenty of reports out there that say that your child doesn’t need to sit at home and learn for 8 hours every day and instead, allow them to get outside, play games, or just enjoy being at home in their safe space with you.

Remember, learning happens outside of handouts and textbooks. Chill and watch documentaries, read aloud to your kids, cook together…talk to one another. 

●   Cancel school for a mental health day

Guess what? When you’re the homeschooling mom, this also means that you’re the school principal, too. And that also means that you have complete control of canceling the school day whenever you see fit.

Because in all reality, if you’re feeling stressed or overwhelmed during this time, your kids are going to feed off those emotions as well. That also then means that they’re going to feel stressed, too, and it’s just not going to be a good outcome for anyone.

Take some time to catch up, offer hugs, and just be present with them.

Canceling the school day for something fun isn’t a bad idea as long as it’s done in moderation. You can easily make up the work on another day or plan a day over the weekend that you and the kids can learn.

sad mom and daughter hugging

●   If you are crisis-schooling, allow yourself to grieve

This is not what ANY of us signed up for, and it isn’t easy. Some have lost jobs or loved ones. Some are barely holding on juggling work, the house, and now schooling. We are all feeling a sense of loss in one way or another.

Take time to process your feelings. Talk to your spouse, family, friends, and, most importantly, your kids. It is OK not to be OK. It is OK to be sad, angry, scared, or whatever range of emotions you feel.

Be gentle with yourself. Allow yourself compassion while you go through the process.

happy homeschool mom teaching her daughter

●   Understand that every day is a brand new day

Let’s face it…sometimes we just have crappy, no-good, horrible days. That’s just the way life is. But that doesn’t have to be your day, every single day.

If you have a bad day, just understand that tomorrow is a new day and you can start all over and try, try again. Your kids will learn so much from this experience as well. And you’re going to be amazed at the resilience that they draw from that mentality, too.

Make sure to give yourself a ton of rest at night, as that’s the best way to wake up feeling refreshed and ready to go. And if you need a few extra moments of sleep in the morning, give yourself that break, too.

Being a new homeschool mom can be overwhelming at first, but it doesn’t have to stay that way. In fact, after you get used to it and create some sort of schedule, you might actually find that you’re enjoying this whole homeschooling gig a lot more than you ever thought possible!

Above everything, believe in yourself and your abilities, and you’re going to soar and do a fantastic job. Your kids love you very much and appreciate all your efforts and leadership.


Do you have any other tips for new homeschool moms to share?


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